Monday, October 25, 2010

My amazing son!

It has been brought to my attention that I am a HORRIBLE parent for not posting pictures on the blog of Silas (ahem...Slilas...) for FOUR MONTHS!! Thank you, Natalie.
Silas Augustus Verdery was born on June 24th at 4:11 in the afternoon! He was 8lbs 7oz and 21 inches long!! It was a hard birth, but what birth isn't, right??
Silas is so amazing! He is one of THE most talkative babies ever! We sit and talk for thirty minute spans... it's such a blast! I often have to leave church during the service not because Silas is fussy, but because he is talking so much and church members turn around and smile! ADORABLE, but distracting!!
When he was first born, Silas was very SERIOUS and analyzed everything and everyone. He very rarely gave out smiles. We took a little while to get to know each other, too... Silas had a rough first few weeks. He cried a lot, and neither of us got much sleep. He's decided that he likes it here, now, and sleeps really well.
He's just started to suck his thumb in the past couple days! It's AMAZING! He's also rolling over tummy to back regularly and has rolled over back to tummy once or twice!
From this point on, I will do my BEST to post pictures of Silas regularly!!
Here are a few from our first few months together...

This was the evening he was born!

So was this... look at that face!

Silas' first sponge bath - he HATED it!!  ~3 days old

~3 days old

~4 days old

~4 days old

~2 weeks old

I love his little face in this one!! ~2 weeks old

First REAL bath!! ~2 weeks old

With Grandaddy! ~3 weeks old

This is the first smile I captured! ~4 weeks old

First walk around the block! ~4 weeks old

And THIS is what Silas thinks of the carseat... ~6 weeks old

First Gameday!! ~8 weeks old

Later that day... ~8 weeks old

~8 weeks old

With Grammy! ~12 weeks old

~10 weeks old


Natalie Pullen said...

Yay!!!! More pictures more pictures more pictures more pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jesse said...

I agree, you are a horrible mother. More pictures!!!!!!!