Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rollin' On!

Here are a few videos of Silas rolling over! This first one is from last week sometime... David and I built a fort in the living room, Silas provided the entertainment.

These next few are from last night... We had so much fun! Here is me playing with Silas...

Here is Silas after he got the hang of rolling over again. It's all he's doing, now!

And THIS is the greatest video of all time!!! David and I were CRYING we were laughing so hard!!!

~4.5 months old

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Video Marathon!!!

Findlay Griggs, a little friend of ours, calls Silas Slilas, prompting the nickname Sli. I LOVE it... So you may see me refer to Silas as Sli on here. That is the background!
Anyway, here are a few videos of Sli!!

This one is from when he was 2 months old, almost to the day. Right before he lost all his hair!!
Not a very long one, but this was Silas' raspy cry!! I MISS it!!

Here's one from when Sli was 3 months old. SOUNDS a little like he's fussy, but he was having so much fun with Daddy that night!!

Silas is a VERY talkative kid, but typically when the camera goes on, his vocal chords cease working. Here is a rare talkative video!!

This one is from the same night... I LOVE his little laugh!!

I have video of Silas rolling over from back to tummy, too... I'll post those later!!
My little man is getting so big!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

My amazing son!

It has been brought to my attention that I am a HORRIBLE parent for not posting pictures on the blog of Silas (ahem...Slilas...) for FOUR MONTHS!! Thank you, Natalie.
Silas Augustus Verdery was born on June 24th at 4:11 in the afternoon! He was 8lbs 7oz and 21 inches long!! It was a hard birth, but what birth isn't, right??
Silas is so amazing! He is one of THE most talkative babies ever! We sit and talk for thirty minute spans... it's such a blast! I often have to leave church during the service not because Silas is fussy, but because he is talking so much and church members turn around and smile! ADORABLE, but distracting!!
When he was first born, Silas was very SERIOUS and analyzed everything and everyone. He very rarely gave out smiles. We took a little while to get to know each other, too... Silas had a rough first few weeks. He cried a lot, and neither of us got much sleep. He's decided that he likes it here, now, and sleeps really well.
He's just started to suck his thumb in the past couple days! It's AMAZING! He's also rolling over tummy to back regularly and has rolled over back to tummy once or twice!
From this point on, I will do my BEST to post pictures of Silas regularly!!
Here are a few from our first few months together...

This was the evening he was born!

So was this... look at that face!

Silas' first sponge bath - he HATED it!!  ~3 days old

~3 days old

~4 days old

~4 days old

~2 weeks old

I love his little face in this one!! ~2 weeks old

First REAL bath!! ~2 weeks old

With Grandaddy! ~3 weeks old

This is the first smile I captured! ~4 weeks old

First walk around the block! ~4 weeks old

And THIS is what Silas thinks of the carseat... ~6 weeks old

First Gameday!! ~8 weeks old

Later that day... ~8 weeks old

~8 weeks old

With Grammy! ~12 weeks old

~10 weeks old

Monday, June 21, 2010

Prego Pics

Rita took some pregnancy pictures of us at about 38 weeks pregnant. I think they turned out GREAT!! Here are a few of our favorites...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

This Weekend

Hi everyone,
Here's a video of this past weekend. First we were cutting down trees in Tim's yard, then we went to Athens for Twilight. Hopefully I can get this video on here.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

29 Week Picture

Here's our 29 week picture!! I've gotten really lax about having a picture every week... I guess now I'm down to every month!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Recent Dream...

I had a great dream the other night... I dreamt that I had my baby!! After the strain and toil of labor, I looked down to take my baby into my arms for the first time. As I caught my first glimpse of my baby I realized that s/he was -  a mosquito. All sorts of thoughts ran through my mind - a mosquito?! I birthed a mosquito?! Is this my baby?? Why did that HURT so bad if all I pushed out was THIS little thing?? - however I pulled my new baby to my chest anyhow and held him/her there very confused. After a minute I realized that this was my baby and I needed to care for him/her (I never found out how exactly to determine the sex of my new mosquito). I did what I always thought I would do and immediately tried to start breastfeeding my new child. I looked away for a minute out at my family who was standing around, and when I looked back I realized that I had CRUSHED my baby!! My poor little mosquito was in 4 pieces!! I spent the remainder of the dream frantically attempting to piece my mosquito-child back together...

...ahhhh, pregnancy...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I'm awful - we're now 26 weeks and I haven't taken a picture since the snow one!! Perhaps one will happen this week. I'm much bigger than I was then! My muscles in my lower belly have been very sore this week, and I think it's because I've actually started growing!!

Here's the GREAT news!! David has a second interview with Rayonier!! That is REALLY exciting! Rayonier has two jobs available - one in Dublin, GA and one in Hastings, FL. We'll take EITHER! I'll let y'all know how the second interview goes. It hasn't been scheduled yet, but will be within the next couple weeks.

I looked at a few friends' blogs today (Amanda and Mollyanne) who have recently had babies, and I realized that I am going to have one of those soon. I know this seems like a strange realization, but their babies move and talk and do cute things... on the outside. My baby does amazingly cute things on the inside, but as I can't see him/her, in a way the baby is still a part of my imagination rather than a real baby. Sounds crazy, I know. I am going to have a real live baby, folks!! And it's gonna do cute stuff!! And it's gonna cry! And sometimes I'm going to be really frustrated and really in love at the same time!
Weird. :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Week 22 Pic!

It's been a while since we've taken our weekly picture... we've had a busy month. My great grandfather died in the end of January, so we went to Alabama for a week, and since then it's been one thing after another!
I've had some CRAZY heartburn lately! It's not even worth changing my diet, though, because I get heartburn from WATER!! I did some research and found that women who fight lots of heartburn during pregnancy tend to have babies with full heads of hair!! NO SURPRISE with my genetics!! The reason for this is women who have more heartburn tend to have slightly higher levels of estrogen and progesterone in their systems, which relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter. Coincidentally these hormones are also responsible for fetal hair growth!!
So we're expecting a baby with a head full of hair!!

Here is our 22 week picture in the SNOW!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

18 Weeks!!

I have felt this baby move SO much lately!! I felt him/her for the first time on Christmas Eve, but have just felt a few jabs a day sinced then. Sunday night we were watching the TV stream of The Call while they were worshiping, and this kid did flip after flip after flip!! I'd be surprised if s/he wasn't dizzy! In fact, David got to feel the baby move for the first time on Sunday evening! It was so exciting - he got the biggest grin ever!!

Here are the week 18 photos!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I have a belly!!

We didn't take 15 week pictures, and I'm not entirely sure what happened to my 16 week pictures... they seem to have disappeared. If I FIND them I will put them in order before this post, so check back if you're interested.

Here are my 17 week pictures! I'm starting to look big, huh???


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Week 14

Here is week 14! One of these days I will start pooching for real. I'm bigger than I was before, but no one else notices!!

And here's my baby girl...

Week 13

It's been a while since my last post!! Finals and the holidays threw me off schedule, but I DO have some pictures from the last month!!
We missed week 12, but I have pictures from week 13 and 14. We missed week 15, and I plan to take our picture for week 16 tomorrow!!

As for the heartbeat debate, I ended up hearing the heartbeat again with the dopplar at my midwife appointment - 150 beats per minute and SOOO cute! (the midwife said it was nice and strong!!) - but we aren't going to have an ultrasound. Thanks for your comments on the matter!!

Here is the pic for week 13!