Wednesday, November 18, 2009

No 9 Week Pic Due to OTHER Excitement!!

Sorry folks, we missed week 9's picture because we've had so much excitement lately... While traversing a very steep hill playing capture the flag, David stepped wrong and heard something snap! Low and behold - it was his ankle!!

That was all on Saturday night while on the youth retreat, and Sunday afternoon after we got back we headed to the emergency room. AS you can see, David was HORRIBLY upset about being in the emergency room -

The WHOLE time we were there he did wheelie after wheelie! These pictures are on my cell phone, so they're not fabulous, but I HAD to capture this event!!

Yesterday we went and got David's cast on... The process was surprisingly simple! Last night, however, neither David nor I got any sleep because the cast was too tight and was hurting him so badly... We're going back today to see if they can do anything about it. We'll let you know!!

I also have my second prenatal appointment today. I think they're just going to tell me the results of my blood tests, but I'll let you know!!

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