Sunday, July 15, 2007


You may wonder about the title of our post, but throughout the last two weeks out of extensive research we have discovered an alarming fact. Coloradoans don't like to share. The trail that is. We have nearly been run off of sidewalks, cliffs, and mountains because of these path hungry Americans. We've decided that every person in every state who does not move over when passing and just ignores the presence of oncoming traffic of any kind MUST be from Colorado. This is truly just an overgeneralization of a type of people we've found in the last two weeks. Now to the real news and pictures.

Our first park was Great Sand Dunes National Park. The first picture is David(ME) conquering the sand dunes. They tried to burn our feet off, but still really awesome. Second picture is the Medano lake that we hiked to the second day(10 miles, over 3000 ft. vertical climb). It was pretty cool seeing sand dunes and walking through snow all in one day! It was a very rough climb and the last two miles went slow, but we got to the top. Morgan got nauseous, a headache, and couldn't eat. I think maybe it was a little alttitude sickness at 12,000 ft. above sea level. The fourth picture is our friend. We met him at the lake when I was cookin supper. He seemed nice at first, but I soon figured out he was just after me for my Bear Creek soup.I think we officially "broke up" when I threw a rock at his face. I believe He was a marmot or badger or groundhog or something. Later we tied up a mardger hog bag instead of a bear bag to ensure our next meal! The next day we just decided to walk the 13 miles out to the car and head on to Mesa Verde early.

1 comment:

coffeemagic said...

Hey babe, it was wonderful to see you and David!
You should call me sometime.

Y'all look like you had a great trip!

I love you guys!